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63 LLMs interview questions

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Understanding Large Language Models (LLMs)

  • 1.

    What are Large Language Models (LLMs) and how do they work?

  • 2.

    Describe the architecture of a transformer model that is commonly used in LLMs.

  • 3.

    What are the main differences between LLMs and traditional statistical language models?

  • 4.

    Can you explain the concept of attention mechanisms in transformer models?

  • 5.

    What are positional encodings in the context of LLMs?

  • 6.

    Discuss the significance of pre-training and fine-tuning in the context of LLMs.

  • 7.

    How do LLMs handle context and long-term dependencies in text?

  • 8.

    What is the role of transformers in achieving parallelization in LLMs?


Applications and Uses

  • 9.

    What are some prominent applications of LLMs today?

  • 10.

    How is GPT-3 different from its predecessors like GPT-2 in terms of capabilities and applications?

  • 11.

    Can you mention any domain-specific adaptations of LLMs?

  • 12.

    How do LLMs contribute to the field of sentiment analysis?

  • 13.

    Describe how LLMs can be used in the generation of synthetic text.

  • 14.

    In what ways can LLMs be utilized for language translation?

  • 15.

    Discuss the application of LLMs in conversation AI and chatbots.

  • 16.

    Explain how LLMs can improve information retrieval and document summarization.

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Transformer Models and Variations

  • 17.

    Describe the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) model and its significance.

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  • 18.

    Explain the core idea behind the T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) model.

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  • 19.

    What is the RoBERTa model and how does it differ from standard BERT?

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  • 20.

    Discuss the technique of ‘masking’ in transformer models like BERT.

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  • 21.

    How does the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series of models work?

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  • 22.

    What are some of the limitations of the Transformer architecture in LLMs?

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Tuning and Optimization

  • 23.

    How do hyperparameters affect the performance of LLMs?

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  • 24.

    Discuss the role of learning rate schedules in training LLMs.

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  • 25.

    What is the importance of batch size and sequence length in LLM training?

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  • 26.

    Explain the concept of gradient checkpointing in the context of training efficiency.

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  • 27.

    How can one use knowledge distillation in the context of LLMs?

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  • 28.

    Discuss techniques for reducing the memory footprint of LLMs during training.

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Preprocessing and Data Handling

  • 29.

    What preprocessing steps are crucial when dealing with input data for LLMs?

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  • 30.

    How is tokenization performed in the context of LLMs, and why is it important?

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  • 31.

    Discuss the process of vocabulary creation and management in LLMs.

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  • 32.

    What considerations should be taken into account for handling different languages in LLMs?

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Model Training and Deployment

  • 33.

    How do you address the challenge of overfitting in LLMs?

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  • 34.

    Discuss strategies for efficient deployment of LLMs in production environments.

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  • 35.

    Can you describe techniques to monitor and maintain LLMs in production?

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  • 36.

    Explain the factors to consider when selecting hardware for training LLMs.

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  • 37.

    Discuss the role of multi-GPU and distributed training in LLMs.

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Coding Challenges

  • 38.

    Write a Python function using PyTorch or TensorFlow to tokenize input text for GPT-2.

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  • 39.

    Implement a simple transformer block using PyTorch or TensorFlow.

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  • 40.

    Train a miniature transformer model on a small text corpus.

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  • 41.

    Create a function that performs greedy decoding for text generation using a pre-trained transformer model.

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  • 42.

    Write code to visualize attention weights from a pre-trained transformer model.

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Advanced Coding Challenges

  • 43.

    Modify a pre-trained BERT model for a classification task using transfer learning.

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  • 44.

    Implement a beam search algorithm for better text generation in language models.

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  • 45.

    Develop a custom loss function for a transformer model that accounts for both forward and backward prediction.

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  • 46.

    Fine-tune a GPT-2 model for a specific text style or author using PyTorch or TensorFlow.

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  • 47.

    Code a routine to perform abstractive text summarization using a pre-trained T5 model.

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Real-World Applications

  • 48.

    How would you set up a LLM to create a news article summarizer?

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  • 49.

    What approach would you take to build a chatbot using LLMs?

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  • 50.

    Design a system using LLMs to generate code snippets from natural language descriptions.

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  • 51.

    Discuss techniques to adapt a LLM for a legal document review application.

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  • 52.

    Propose a framework to use LLMs in creating personalized content recommendations.

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Model Evaluation and Management

  • 53.

    What metrics would you use to evaluate the performance of a fine-tuned LLM?

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  • 54.

    How would you conduct A/B testing for a new version of an LLM-based application?

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  • 55.

    Explain model versioning strategies when updating LLMs in production.

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  • 56.

    Describe a method to efficiently roll back to a previous LLM model state in case of failures.

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Advanced Topics and Research

  • 57.

    Discuss generative adversarial networks (GANs) in the context of text generation with LLMs.

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  • 58.

    How can reinforcement learning be applied to further train or fine-tune LLMs?

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  • 59.

    What are the potential future applications of LLMs that are currently being researched?

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Theoretical Depth and Research

  • 60.

    Discuss the concept of catastrophic forgetting in LLMs and potential solutions.

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  • 61.

    Explain how capsule networks might be integrated with LLMs.

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  • 62.

    Discuss the implications of attention flow in multi-head attention mechanisms.

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  • 63.

    What are zero-shot and few-shot learning capabilities in LLMs?

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