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Agile & Scrum

50 Agile & Scrum interview questions

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Agile Fundamentals

  • 1.

    What are the four key values of the Agile Manifesto?

  • 2.

    Can you explain the twelve principles behind the Agile Manifesto?

  • 3.

    How does Agile differ from traditional waterfall project management?

  • 4.

    What does it mean to have an incremental and iterative approach in Agile?

  • 5.

    What is the purpose of maintaining a sustainable pace in Agile projects?


Scrum Basics

  • 6.

    What defines a Scrum Team?

  • 7.

    Can you list and explain the Scrum artifacts?

  • 8.

    How is ‘Done’ defined in Scrum?

  • 9.

    What is the role of the Scrum Master in ensuring adherence to Scrum rules?

  • 10.

    How does Scrum ensure transparency in the development process?


Roles in Scrum

  • 11.

    What specific responsibilities does the Product Owner have?

  • 12.

    How does a Scrum Master facilitate the Scrum process?

  • 13.

    Can you describe the attributes of an effective Development Team in Scrum?

  • 14.

    What are the differences between a Project Manager and a Scrum Master?

  • 15.

    How should a Product Owner prioritize the Product Backlog?


Agile Planning and Estimation

  • 16.

    What are story points, and how are they used in estimation?

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  • 17.

    How does a team go about planning a Sprint?

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  • 18.

    Can you explain what a Burn-up chart is and its purpose?

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  • 19.

    What is Velocity and how is it calculated in Agile projects?

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  • 20.

    How do Agile teams deal with scope creep during a Sprint?

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Scrum Ceremonies

  • 21.

    What is the purpose of the Daily Stand-up meeting?

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  • 22.

    Can you walk me through the activities conducted in Sprint Planning?

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  • 23.

    What is the goal of the Sprint Retrospective?

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  • 24.

    How should the Sprint Review be conducted and who should attend it?

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  • 25.

    What is the time-box for each Scrum event?

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Agile and Scrum Artifacts

  • 26.

    How does the Product Backlog evolve during a project?

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  • 27.

    What is a Sprint Backlog and how does it relate to the Product Backlog?

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  • 28.

    Explain what an Increment is and how it contributes to the product.

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Scaling Agile and Scrum

  • 29.

    What is the Nexus framework in relation to Scaled Scrum?

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  • 30.

    Describe one or more challenges when scaling Scrum across multiple teams.

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  • 31.

    How does the Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) framework facilitate scaling?

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  • 32.

    What is the main purpose of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)?

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Agile Technical Practices

  • 33.

    Explain Test-Driven Development and its significance in Agile.

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  • 34.

    What is Continuous Integration and how does it benefit an Agile team?

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  • 35.

    Can you discuss the purpose and benefits of Pair Programming?

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Agile Coaching and Leadership

  • 36.

    What is the role of an Agile Coach within an organization?

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  • 37.

    How does an Agile leader differ from a traditional manager?

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  • 38.

    What are some strategies for leading organizational change towards Agile adoption?

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Challenges in Agile and Scrum Implementation

  • 39.

    What are some common reasons for Agile transformation failures?

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  • 40.

    How can a team mitigate the risk of overcommitment in Sprints?

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  • 41.

    Discuss the potential issues that can arise from lack of understanding of Agile principles.

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Agile Metrics and Reporting

  • 42.

    What do you understand by the term ‘Agile Metrics’?

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  • 43.

    How does a Burndown Chart work and what does it show?

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  • 44.

    What can cause a team’s Velocity to fluctuate and how should it be addressed?

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Agile Mindset and Culture

  • 45.

    How would you describe an Agile mindset?

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  • 46.

    Why is a culture of collaboration important in Agile?

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  • 47.

    What role does feedback play in Agile cultures?

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Agile Methodologies Beyond Scrum

  • 48.

    How does Kanban differ from Scrum?

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  • 49.

    What are the core practices of Extreme Programming (XP)?

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  • 50.

    What is the Crystal methodology and how does it embody Agile principles?

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