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Load Balancing

50 Load Balancing interview questions

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Load Balancing Fundamentals

  • 1.

    Define load balancing in the context of modern web services.

  • 2.

    What are the primary objectives of implementing load balancing?

  • 3.

    Explain the difference between hardware and software load balancers.

  • 4.

    Can you list some common load balancing algorithms and briefly describe how they work?

  • 5.

    Describe the term “sticky session” in load balancing.

  • 6.

    How does load balancing improve application reliability?

  • 7.

    How do load balancers perform health checks on backend servers?

  • 8.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of round-robin load balancing?

  • 9.

    In load balancing, what is the significance of the least connections method?

  • 10.

    Explain how a load balancer might handle failure in one of the servers it manages.


Load Balancing Strategies

  • 11.

    How does a load balancer distribute traffic in a stateless vs stateful scenario?

  • 12.

    What is the concept of session persistence, and why is it important?

  • 13.

    Discuss the role of DNS in load balancing.

  • 14.

    In what scenarios would you use weighted load balancing?

  • 15.

    How can load balancers help mitigate DDoS attacks?

  • 16.

    Explain the difference between horizontal and vertical scaling, and how load balancing applies to each.

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  • 17.

    What factors should you consider when choosing a load balancing method for a particular application?

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  • 18.

    Discuss how global server load balancing differs from local server load balancing.

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Load Balancer Configuration & Performance

  • 19.

    What metrics would you monitor to assess the performance of a load balancer?

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  • 20.

    Describe one method to handle SSL/TLS traffic in load balancing.

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  • 21.

    Explain the concept of direct server return and its significance in load balancing.

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  • 22.

    How can caching be integrated with load balancing to improve performance?

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  • 23.

    Discuss the challenges of load balancing microservice architectures.

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  • 24.

    How do you configure a health check on a load balancer?

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  • 25.

    What is connection draining, and why is it used in load balancing?

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Load Balancing in Cloud and Hybrid Environments

  • 26.

    How do cloud provider load balancers (e.g., AWS ELB, Azure Load Balancer) differ from on-premise solutions?

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  • 27.

    Can you explain the role of load balancing in auto-scaling groups/clusters?

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  • 28.

    Describe the process of load balancing in a multi-cloud environment.

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  • 29.

    Discuss how load balancing might work in a hybrid cloud scenario with both private and public resources.

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Advanced Load Balancing Topics

  • 30.

    What is cross-region load balancing, and in what scenario would it be necessary?

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  • 31.

    Explain how a load balancer can make routing decisions based on content type.

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  • 32.

    How would you enable graceful shutdown of servers in a load-balanced environment?

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  • 33.

    Discuss the role of API gateways in conjunction with load balancers.

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  • 34.

    What is load balancer affinity, and when might you enforce it?

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  • 35.

    How does load balancing work in a containerized environment, such as with Docker and Kubernetes?

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  • 36.

    What is a reverse proxy, and how does it relate to load balancing?

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  • 37.

    Can you explain how load balancing works with websockets or other persistent connection protocols?

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  • 38.

    Discuss how machine learning can be applied to improve load balancing decisions.

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  • 39.

    What strategies might you employ to handle sudden spikes in traffic using load balancing?

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Load Balancing and Security

  • 40.

    How do load balancers contribute to a system’s security posture?

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  • 41.

    Can load balancers protect against SQL injection or XSS attacks? If so, how?

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  • 42.

    How does a Web Application Firewall (WAF) integrate with load balancing solutions?

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  • 43.

    Describe the importance of properly configuring HTTPS certificates on load balancers.

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  • 44.

    Discuss the security implications of SSL termination at the load balancer.

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  • 45.

    Explain how rate limiting works in the context of load balancing.

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Load Balancing Troubleshooting and Problem Solving

  • 46.

    How would you troubleshoot a situation where a load balancer is incorrectly routing traffic?

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  • 47.

    What steps would you take if a backend server is reported down by the load balancer but is actually running?

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  • 48.

    Describe how you might identify and resolve performance bottlenecks in a load-balanced system.

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  • 49.

    How would you handle a situation where the load balancer becomes the performance bottleneck?

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  • 50.

    Suppose a load balancer is causing increased latency—what potential root causes would you investigate?

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