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35 NoSQL interview questions

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NoSQL Fundamentals

  • 1.

    What are the different types of NoSQL databases, with an example of each?

  • 2.

    Explain eventual consistency and its role in NoSQL databases.

  • 3.

    How is data modeling in NoSQL databases distinct from that in relational databases?

  • 4.

    What advantages do NoSQL databases offer for managing large volumes of data?

  • 5.

    When would you choose a NoSQL database over a relational database?

  • 6.

    Describe the various consistency models in NoSQL databases and how they handle transactions and conflict resolution.

  • 7.

    List some NoSQL databases and the primary use cases they address.


Key-Value Stores

  • 8.

    How does a key-value store operate, and can you give a use-case example?

  • 9.

    What strategies can be used to scale key-value stores for high demand or large data volumes?

  • 10.

    What are some drawbacks of key-value stores compared to other NoSQL types?

  • 11.

    Name a scenario where a key-value store might not be the best fit.


Document-Oriented Databases

  • 12.

    What makes a document in a NoSQL database different from a row in a relational database?

  • 13.

    How does indexing work in document-oriented databases?

  • 14.

    Give an example of a query in a document-oriented database.

  • 15.

    Suggest a typical application for a document-oriented database.

  • 16.

    How do document databases handle schema changes and migration?

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Column-Family Stores

  • 17.

    Describe the data structure in a column-family store and how it supports certain query types.

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  • 18.

    Name a popular column-family store and its key features that contribute to its performance.

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  • 19.

    How are data partitioning and distribution handled in column-family stores?

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Graph Databases

  • 20.

    Explain the data representation in a graph database.

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  • 21.

    Compare querying in graph databases with other NoSQL database types.

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  • 22.

    Suggest a real-world problem that fits a graph database solution.

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  • 23.

    Define the role of an edge in a graph database and its relationship with nodes.

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Data Consistency & Replication

  • 24.

    What replication strategies are often used in NoSQL databases?

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  • 25.

    What are quorum reads/writes and their impact on consistency in NoSQL databases?

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  • 26.

    Describe how NoSQL databases maintain consistency during network issues.

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Scalability & Performance

  • 27.

    Explain common data sharding strategies in NoSQL databases and their impact on system performance.

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  • 28.

    How is load balancing achieved in NoSQL database environments?

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  • 29.

    Discuss the role of caching in NoSQL database performance enhancement.

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  • 30.

    What approaches do NoSQL databases use to ensure high availability?

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Querying and Data Manipulation

  • 31.

    How do NoSQL databases manage complex queries, such as those requiring join operations?

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  • 32.

    What is map-reduce, and how is it utilized within NoSQL databases?

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  • 33.

    Are transactions supported by NoSQL databases, and if so, how are they implemented?

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Indexing and Storage Strategies

  • 34.

    Compare indexing strategies between NoSQL and traditional relational databases.

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  • 35.

    How do different storage formats, like JSON, BSON, or binary, affect the performance and flexibility of NoSQL databases?

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